Flagler Democrats

What we Believe

ECONOMY:  A strong, thriving, competitive Flagler County economy benefits us all.  Business owners, employees, and consumers have a right to a safe environment in which to work and shop in order to keep businesses prosperous.

LIVING WAGE:  We support a living wage for all Flagler County residents. 

HOUSING:   If your home or work is in Flagler County, you should have access to safe and affordable housing in Flagler County.  We support fiscally responsible local projects to deliver homes for lower-income residents.

CIVIL RIGHTS and CIVIL LIBERTIES:   We believe in supporting and fostering the legislated and constitutionally-protected civil rights of all.  We support diversity across our community.  We support freedom of speech.

ENVIRONMENT:    Flagler County officials can do more to protect our local environment.  We support efforts to bring more business revenue into the County and to limit development which impacts our local marshes, wetlands and watersheds.  We encourage the use of alternate energy sources and energy-efficient construction.

EDUCATION:  Every child, no matter who they are, how much their families earn, or where they live, should have access to a safe, high-quality public education.  We believe that religious doctrine has no place in public schools. We support administrators and educators; they are the professionals. We trust that their day-to-day decisions are in the best interest of the student body. We believe students and school personnel deserve to be safe, but support the least amount of disruption to students, families, and schools.  School shutdowns should be considered a last resort.

ELECTION INTEGRITY, VOTING RIGHTS, and VOTER PROTECTION:   Elections should be secure and it should be easy for eligible citizens to vote.  Making it easier to vote does not make elections less secure. All legally cast ballots should be counted. We continue our trust in the Flagler County Supervisor of Elections to oversee a free, fair and secure election, providing protection for the votes of all who are eligible.

COUNTY OFFICIALS:   County residents deserve public officials who are honorable, independent-minded, can reason well, and are loyal to moral principles and sound judgment. Progress is obtained by cooperation and compromise, rather than partisan posturing.  County decisions should be based on facts and what is best for the residents of Flagler County. 

CIVIL DISCOURSE:   Civil discourse is the best way to move forward and achieve our common goals in Flagler County. Those who administer our elections, teach our children, report the news, represent constituents, and speak at public meetings should be free of violence or threats of violence.